Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Official

Well, today I officially became a stay at home mom. I am really looking forward to this opportunity. This is something that is going to be completely new to me due to the fact that I have ALWAYS worked. I know to some people, this might not seem like the right time to be quitting a job with the economy being like it is, but for me and my family, I feel like it is the right decision for us. Next week is Spring Break for the girls and this will be the first one that I have been able to be off with them. We don't have alot of plans except to declutter bedrooms, go get our nails/toes done and hopefully go and take pictures in the bluebonnets if the weather cooperates, nt to mention softball practice. Yep, tomorrow is the start of softball season. We have to be at the middle school for opening ceremonies at 7:30 in the morning....on a Saturday....YUCK! The games have been cancelled due to the weather, so we basically have to go up there for a bake sale. Each team has to auction off a cake for a fundraiser type of thing. Hopefully I will get some good pics that I can post later tomorrow... In the meantime, I need to figure out how to get this blog to show up online. I am not that computer literate, but I am learning. :)